Award-Winning Manipuri Athlete ‘Abused, Stuck’ In Mumbai


Muscle head Rebita Devi Kongbrailatpam visited the city in February this year to acknowledge a universal honor; confronted a ton of racial maltreatment in the midst of lockdown burdens

When Rebita Devi Kongbrailatpam, 29, a prestigious jock from Manipur, arrived in Mumbai in February to gather a universal honor, she had no clue that she would wind up living inside the limits of her lodging for over two months. Aside from managing racial slurs, she is additionally battling to discover a route back home.

Kongbrailatpam came to Mumbai on February 16 for the seventh World Women Leadership Congress and Awards that was held at Taj Lands End in Bandra and she was given the Woman Super Achiever Award. “After the occasion, I had a few gatherings since I was searching for an Indian backer for an occasion I am arranging. I needed to, thusly, remain back for a little while. In any case, at that point the lockdown became effective and I stalled out here,” she said.

During one of the lifting weights rivalries

During one of the working out rivalries

She before long started to think that its hard to manage the cost of a lodging. To add to her hardships, the weight lifter was likewise being obnoxiously manhandled and was even assaulted by a couple of men which incited her to get her head shaved off. “They would shout at me “Go Corona Go” and when I asked them for what reason they said that, they would state that I am from China and I was liable for spreading the infection. Half a month back, a gathering of four to five men assaulted me and even broke my telephone. I was panicked and imagined that it was more secure on the off chance that I resembled a person. So I went to a sanctuary and got my head shaved off,” she said.

Neighborhood urban authorities help

Kongbrailatpam was attempting to search for spending convenience when she was placed in contact with the H-West ward office. Urban authorities put her up in an inn on Hill Road in Bandra and since the main seven day stretch of April, her lodging has been her home. Aside from dealing with her convenience, community authorities have likewise been orchestrating food and supplies for her.

Vinayak Vispute, associate civil magistrate of H-West ward said that they have kept in touch with the Suburban Collectorate just as to the Bandra Police Station on April 8 requesting help to send her back home. They have likewise attempted to contact Manipur CM N Biren Singh”s office for help. He included that the ward office has additionally orchestrated a clinical endorsement for her which is required for between state travel.

The H-West ward authorities are currently in converses with some movement offices.

H V Javeed, official specialist of H-West ward, stated, “We have attempted to help her since she is a global competitor and all the more significantly a lady. There are around 25 Manipuri inhabitants in Navi Mumbai who need to go back home as well. We are attempting our best to make courses of action to send every one of them back home.”” While the endeavors to discover a method of transport are as yet in progress, a transport that would ship them back home would cost in any event R2 lakh.

Family stressed

While Kongbrailatpam has been associated with sports since she was seven years of age, she has been into universal weight training for as long as eight years and has additionally won honors in combative techniques. Notwithstanding, without her uncommon eating regimen, Kongbrailatpam has lost a ton of weight over the recent months. “My sister is stressed over my security and she has been attempting to facilitate with the state government in Manipur to assist me with getting back home. The BMC authorities here have been useful. We are for the most part trying and I truly trust that I am ready to return home soon,” she said.

According to the convention, the Deputy Commissioner of Police has been deputed as the nodal official who is organizing transport, particularly for transient workers. Train travel, be that as it may, is constrained and at present, trains are just making a trip from Mumbai to New Delhi. When reached, DCP Abhishek Trimukhe, stated, “We will process her application and will attempt to make courses of action to send her back home.”


Day in Feb when Rebita Devi showed up in Mumbai


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